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she wears the pants - Jonathan Perelman


Education System in India

Education is one of the most vital part of our life. India today is the second largest higher education network in the world. Universities in India are set up by the Central or the State Governments by the means of legislation, while colleges are established by either State Governments or private bodies / trusts. All colleges are affiliated to some university. The structure of higher education consists of three years of education after 12 years of school education leading to arts and science and four-five years in professional fields like engineering and medical. But the system of education in India is

EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIA or indian education system

not up to the mark. 25% of the Indian population is illiterate. Only 7% of the population that goes to school managed to graduate and only 15% of those who enrol manage to make it to high school and achieve a place in the higher education system. A few reasons why education in India is given less importance in some areas are as follows:
• 80% of schools are managed by the government. Private schools are expensive and out of reach of the poor.
• More hands to earn remains the mentality amongst many families and therefore little kids are set out to fend for the family over going to school to garner an adequate education, in the most literal sense of the word.
• Infrastructure facilities at schools across rural areas and in slums dispense very poor quality of education.
• The teachers are not well qualified and therefore not well paid and therefore are not willing to work hard enough. This has been a classical Catch-22 problem that the government has been trying hard to fight against.
Also in India, the system of education is mainly theoretical. Theory of a subject is very important, but unless and until one knows its practical application and how to apply it, the education is useless. This is so because the current market is fully practical oriented. And unless you r practically ready with your subjects, you have a very less chance of getting selected in any company. Moreover if one is having theoretical knowledge, it is not necessary that he will be able to do its practical, but the vice-versa is possible. So the education system in India should be changed in such a way that every gets education and they become ready to meet the current world necessities with their practical knowledge.

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